Frequently Asked Questions

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Who is the portal for?

For those who want to control registration costs associated with your car, check the average consumption, fueling records and conducted tours.

Simply register, register your vehicle (or vehicles) and registered a refueling, driving and all costs associated with the vehicle. This gives you a complete overview of all expenditure, average consumption, the cost of refueling and made runs.

What Mileage should be in the vehicle settings to application consumption calculated correctly?

odometer in the vehicle settings should be any when you start using the application but it is necessary to write data only if you have a full tank refueling. Only then can you write refueling ...

Can I choose what information will be visible to others and which are not?

Yes, when adding or editing a vehicle you have the option to set which information will be displayed on the portal


Hide all refueling vehicle - if you check this option, all data on fueling remain for other visitors & scaron , Visitor Settings Web hidden.
Hide all trucks - if you check this option, all data on costs will remain for the rest , ch site visitors hidden.
Hide all vehicle based - if you check this option, all data on journeys remain for others n & aacute; flows of visitors the site hidden.

Hide vehicle - if you check this option, the vehicle as well as all activities will remain for other site visitors Consumption sk. hidden.

Prednastavané (checked) options are: Hide all trucks and hide all vehicle based www.spotreba . com

How to enter the first refueling, I have to fill up a full tank?

first refueling is fueling input of the records.

explain a few options-options what type of vehicle you are going to register in order to prevent dissatisfaction with the calculation of consumption: A.
1 Buy a car. Does the speedometer 5 km in the tank about 10 liters.
2 Registered by him in apke as a new vehicle to the mileage, which is explained by noting that it is a condition for a full tank, registered 5km (although I have in the tank only 10 liters and not full).
3 Then I go to the pump as the crow 0.1 km (whatever) and registered prve Can be tanking it wants (to be completed or partly) because we have to state the percentage of the tank. Strange does not force refueled in full. Suppose refuel 40 liters ... B. Those who read and understand the odometer reading on the vehicle must always be with a full tank do this:

1 Sell ​​your car. Ma speedometer 5 km and 10 liters in the tank. Can I also enter in apke but we must remember the need to repair the initial state tachometer specified in the settings of the vehicle.
2 Auto Uses ride and tanks. Sometimes after refueling vehicle into plna I choose to use our apku. Ideally this is where, as in Section A.3 I go now with a brand new car from the shop 0.1 miles to bomb and refuel in full.
3 Register the new vehicle or repair apke record cases already made under paragraph B.1. I have the right to foam tank and to do so in the initial state, registered tachometer / odometer repair physical (ideally this is 5.1km).
Prve not accounted for tanking, I set only unambiguous initial state of such vehicles. First register the refueling and the next time you visit the pump.

zrejeme from between users A and B is also registered on the difference in (liters of fuel) that ignoring of the first refueling (at B is actually like the second refueling) exacerbated the vobec do not know how mom count on data as we do not know any way to find out who is A and who is B. The difference between A and B are dozens of liters of petrol. This

therefore we can not solve so we knew it justifies all users, but especially not with B, which will give the effect of even naspravne program correctly used.
We would not ignore prve refueling team and then spoiled mathematical calculations of average consumption.

There is an application on the iPhone, where I could enter all data as the portal

Yes, using can track your fueling costs, driving directly on your phone. So it is no problem to enter directly fueling at the gas station. This application is a standalone, meaning all options as a portal consumption, en also has application.

When adding a vehicle to the application you have two options for entering vehicles: recommended option 1 - choose your vehicle through a selection of items (make, model, body, fuel, engine) 2

name only vehicle

We enter the vehicle using 1 options . This gives you the advantage that you can enter data on the portal and the ability to synchronize thus awarded & yacute; term data with the application.

user has the option to back up your application data to the server. Has such confidence that in the event of loss / exchange cell phone does not come on its own records. If your vehicle is entered through a selection of items (option 1) can get your data in sync with a mobile data entered in the portal

For normal input activities such as. refueling costs, driving no need to connect to the Internet, can therefore be used, for example. and abroad, where large fees for mobile Internet.

Is it possible to import data from

Yes to enable this import costs and fueling, but must take into account the fact that the system and has many differences in data processing.

example, the is entered

odometer and distance (odometer and distance) only the odometer (mileage)

if the gradually entering all fueling properly and everything you write should not be problems with odometer distance, and additional odometry should sit, but if you forget some refueling, or not subtract Sisli with tripmetra (distance) which is very often the case, our system will show an error when synchronizing, it will label these as fueling incorrectly specified because & no scarone; If chronological odometer mileage on ...

recommended before importing check whether all the data entered in chronological order, if there are gaps so they recommend accordingly to obtain a complete record of the odometer (mileage)

How do I restore a backup from the server to the mobile app?

If you continuously save data on a server, or using the application only online, anytime you can overwrite the data in the application of the backup server. On the start page of the application, click the cog Lap top right, then "Backup and restore data" and press and press "Restore data from a backup." < / p>

I entered your data and mobile app the portal It is the ability to synchronize data from the mobile application and the data entered in the portal?

Yes is the correct synchronization is necessary to comply with the following steps:

-always before entering the data on the portal a mobile app move back up data to the server

-after entering the potráli a mobile app, enter restore data from backup

way you have updated (synchronized) data and mobile applications and portal

condition sync options is that the vehicle was entered in the application through a selection of items (make, model, body, fuel, engine) or vehicle was entered first through Portal

Je možné používať aplikáciu na viacerých mobilných zariadeniach súčasne ?

Yes is the correct synchronization is necessary followed a simple Procedure:

-always before entering the data in the mobile app let you restore data from backup

-after award data mobile app let you back up data to the server (if you have enabled automatic backup, this step can be omitted)

I can not find the exact type of vehicle in your specification

Try selecting a different content, say 1.2, 1.1, some content exceeding cc are already in another class because their sight where you expect them. We do not know the matter not 100% resolved.

If you still can not find your vehicle, choose closest relatives.

New calculation of average consumption


new calculation of average consumption:

- precise calculation

- entered from the possibility of combined refueling Gasoline / LPG Information for existing users:

is necessary to supplement tank size in the specifications of your car:

After filling tank size of existing tanking been converted to the new calculation of the average spotreby.Ak this information will not be completed, the average consumption will continue to count on the old calculation. Additional information on existing refueling:

If you have a car with an engine petrol / diesel:

-all previously entered partial & eacute; refueling will not show average consumption. If you fill in such detail about the condition fueling the tank after tank, calculate the average consumption.

If you have a car with kobináciou petrol / LPG:

-fueling all previously entered will not show average consumption. If you fill in such fueling status data after refueling tank, calculate the average consumption.

-if you fail to complete missing data on the state of the tanks at the fueling, fueling first then added the starter (no average consumption) and other specified uplift it will show the average consumption.

Can not import data about fueling, cost?

You can import costs and fueling the portal
Procedure: The user part of the list of activities, click the Import button. Submit a CSV file that you obtained export records from your site (Type of refueling activities / costs will be automatically detected)

I found a gas station that you go to refuel. Can I add it?

Yes, when entering the uplift in the list you can add the missing filling stations petrol station by clicking on - Add new service station.

Dobry den pouzivam Vasu apku na aute benzin/plyn a nes som tankoval benzin aj plyn sucastne a zacalo mi zle ratat spotrebu plynu.Ako mam zadat taketo tankovanie?

Výpočet priemernej spotreby pri aute s dvoma nádržami sme vyriešili kombináciou spotrieb benzínu a LPG.


V prípade, že by sme chceli zobrazovať priemernú spotrebu benzínu a LPG zvlášť, potrebujeme do výpočtu od užívateľa zadať údaje, ktoré ani on sám nepozná - Ak som napríklad práve natankoval LPG, to vôbec neznamená, že som predchádzajúci interval jazdil iba na LPG. Vždy je v tomto intervale spotrebovaná aj istá časť benzínu, avšak kvalifikovane odhadnúť pomer kilometrov najazdených výhradne na benzín a naopak výhradne na LPG je takmer nemožné.


Z tohto dôvodu sa výpočet priemernej spotreby vypočítava ako kombinácia spotreby LPG a benzínu.


Aby takýto výpočet fungoval, je nutné pri pridávaní záznamu o tankovaní LPG nastaviť nielen stav nádrže LPG ale aj benzínu, aj keď tento sme práve netankovali. Meniaci sa stav nádrže benzínu nám pomáha 

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